Season 2024/ 2025
Transfer Day February 23 11am
Will be held in the Games Zone 5 Strathcona Close
Format of the Day
Round 1
Player at bottom of the league chooses ONE player from any of the top three teams
Player one from bottom of the league chooses ONE player from the two remaining top teams
Player second from bottom of the league chooses ONE player from remaining top team
(In the event of a tie for any of the top 3 or bottom 3 then drawing of lots will take place)
Round 2
Each DoF gets £50 million plus their surplus money from previous auctions
Nominations start from 4th bottom and go on to first place in order. Nominations and bidding continue in a clockwise direction for the first round and anti clockwise for the second round
There will be TWO rounds of bidding
If no one bids on a player the DoF who nominated him gets that player on a free.
Any money left at end of round TWO is lost!
Round 3
After the two rounds are complete the DoFs take it in turns, as per the bidding rounds, to get players on a free transfer.
There is no limit to how many players DoFs can change.
Cup Draw - which special guests will make the draw!?
The Last One Standing - Update
Crystal Gazing! draw for the next round will take place
New Players to the Premier League
These downloads will be available from February 18
Download Keepers
Download Defenders
Download Midfielders
Download Strikers